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KSS 2024 Summer Programme Announcement

Explore the future of technology at the 2024 KSS Summer Programme!

Come to our hyper modern Qianhai campus to experience the best of international education! In the age of digitalisation, information, and globalisation, the ability to speak and understand English is a crucial skill for exploring the diverse world we live in, and science is a key force for building the future. During our Summer Programme, students will:

  • Experience the diverse learning environment of an international school

  • Improve English speaking, listening, reading, and writing skills without stress

  • Have a taste of international boarding school life

  • Learn cutting-edge robot-programming skills

  • Master the operation of various drone models

Unforeseen challenges lead to exciting creations. Come to The King's School Shenzhen for a unique, rich, and unforgettable summer holiday! 



DJI robotics programming

The DJI lessons form the core of our Summer Programme curriculum, and are an invaluable opportunity for its participants to extend the boundaries of their creativity. Students will get up close and personal with the latest generation of robots, learning how to design, programme, and operate them to carry out a range of tasks. These interesting and interactive experiences will foster their love for technology, and propel them to the forefront of the robotics field. 

Take part in drone flying competitions

Not only will our bespoke science and technology programme curriculum lift the veil over the world of robot technology, students will also learn drone flying techniques and take part in a drone programming competition. In our spacious campus, they will experience the joy and excitement of flying drones and aerial photography, exposing them to the unlimited potential of science and technology.

Learn British English

All classes in the Summer Programme are taught by native English-speaking teachers, supported by bilingual Chinese teachers. Students will overcome language barriers and break through bottlenecks in their ability to express themselves in English in an English-immersive environment, making their English learning more enjoyable and more effective.

Interactive sports

The Summer Programme's sport schedule includes tennis, golf, swimming, and more, all with the aim of providing students with a rare chance to experience a premium sport environment to unlock their athletic potential.

Scientific exploration without limits

Under the expert guidance of The King's School's Senior School science teachers, and assisted by the use of advanced laboratory equipment, students will expand their theoretical knowledge of physics, chemistry, and biology to their heart's content. Through a series of diverse practical experiments they will further their knowledge of science and its practical applications.

International boarding school life

During the Summer Programme, participants will stay at The King's School Shenzhen's Qianhai campus boarding house. Our controlled-entry campus with 24/7 security ensures that students will have an unforgettable experience of boarding school life in a safe environment. Our operations team and five-star catering team will make sure that students are provided with healthy and delicious meals tailored to the nutritional requirements of their age and stage of development by preparing Chinese and western food and operating our in-house noodle bar. No effort is spared to ensure that every student can make their own choice of which healthy meal to eat.

Shenzhen city cultural exploration

In addition to their daily lessons, Programme participants will go out and about to explore the city, go to a water park and a theme park, attend forest class, and other such outdoor activities. Their rich itinerary will allow them to expand their horizons and explore Shenzhen's culture in depth.


Registration Information

Eligible ages:8-13 years

Places available:60 (registration will close once the limit is reached)

Programme dates1 August 2024 – 10 August 2024 (10 days, 9 nights)

Programme fee:25,000RMB per person

Programme fee includes:

①Summer Programme classes at KSS's Qianhai campus;

②Accommodation and catering during the Programme;

③Off-campus activities and miscellaneous costs that are part of the Programme.

* Programme fee does not include:

①Transport to and from the KSS campus;

②The cost of purchasing insurance;

③The cost of activities that are not part of the Programme and other personal expenses.

* The participant's place is secured once the payment has been received. Refunds are not provided.


Join us now for a unique, varied, and unforgettable summer experience!


* Our special thanks go out to KSS's Design and Technology teacher, Mr Lin, who is in charge of the KSS Summer Programme 2024, for accepting our interview and providing the materials necessary to write this article.